# language: en @autoscaling Feature: Auto Scaling I want to use Auto Scaling Scenario: Managing auto scaling groups Given I create a launch configuration with name "launch-config-integ" And I describe launch configurations Then the list should contain the launch configuration "launch-config-integ" And I delete the launch configuration "launch-config-integ" @pagination Scenario: Paginating responses Given I create a launch configuration with name "launch-config-integ-1" And I create a launch configuration with name "launch-config-integ-2" And I paginate the "describeLaunchConfigurations" operation with limit 1 Then I should get more than one page And I should get numPages - 1 markers And the last page should not contain a marker And I delete the launch configuration "launch-config-integ-1" And I delete the launch configuration "launch-config-integ-2" Scenario: Error handling Given I create a launch configuration with name "" Then the error code should be "ValidationError" And the error message should contain: """ Member must have length greater than or equal to 1 """