# language: en @opsworks Feature: AWS OpsWorks I want to use AWS OpsWorks Scenario: Creating and deleting user profiles Given I have an IAM username "aws-js-sdk" And I create an IAM user with the username And I create an OpsWorks user profile with the IAM user ARN And the IAM user ARN is in the result And I describe the OpsWorks user profiles Then the IAM user ARN should be in the result And the name should be equal to the IAM username And the SSH username should be equal to the IAM username And I delete the OpsWorks user profile And I delete the IAM user Scenario: Error handling Given I have an IAM username "" And I create an OpsWorks user profile with the IAM user ARN Then the error code should be "ValidationException" Then the error message should be: """ Please provide user ARN """